Amanda Hunt, Living with Cancer

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“My name is Amanda and I’m currently undergoing immunotherapy to treat stage IV melanoma. I’m a wife, mom, an attorney on hiatus, and under the age of 40. Having grown up in Florida and having fair skin, I’ve always had a love-hate relationship with the sun. I’d had many sunburns by the time I was a teenager, and began using tanning beds at the age of 19. The uneducated decision to use tanning beds continued on/off into my early 30’s.

In 2011, I had basal cell carcinoma removed from my upper arm and began getting annual skin checks going forward. By this time, I had finally stopped using tanning beds.

In the summer of 2020, I found a lump in my breast. Upon examination, a malignant melanoma tumor had formed inside my breast—metastatic melanoma. In a panic, CT’s were ordered, which revealed tumors in both lungs, right breast, left kidney, left adrenal gland, the orbit of both eyes, and several subcutaneous tumors throughout my body.

I immediately began immunotherapy at Moffitt Cancer Center and by the grace of God, I’m responding to treatment. Unfortunately, though, immunotherapy has induced Type 1 diabetes and I’m permanently insulin dependent. Although this new diagnosis has added another level of difficulty to the mix, it’s a small price to pay to be able to survive metastatic melanoma.

To this day, a primary skin melanoma has not been located on my body, which is rare. The absence of a skin primary, which is usually how a diagnosis occurs, is how melanoma went undetected until I was already stage IV. My 1 year cancerversary is approaching in June and I’m believing for scans that will show I’m cancer free!

Despite my uncommon circumstances, I still encourage anyone that will listen to practice sun safety, avoid tanning beds, and get annual skin checks. It’s also important to be your own advocate and do self breast and skin checks monthly.

The silver lining in all of this is that all we need in this life is Love & Sunblock, which is now the title of
my blog, found here. I hope it blesses all who read it.”

-Amanda Hunt


Adriene Ott, Survivor


Amelia Prentice Keene, Survivor