Shelly Polak, Survivor
Shelly and her husband, Jim
“I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Metastatic Melanoma on December 27th, 2017. I was only 49 years old. My husband Jim and I had just moved to Florida and we were enjoying life!
Prior to my diagnosis, I was just beginning my career as a Realtor in Fort Lauderdale. Then, my entire world flipped upside down. Instead of focusing on my career and family, I was thrown into a fight for survival. It was devastating!
I became my own advocate and read every cancer related article on Melanoma I could find. I also studied the medications I was on, side effects, how the medication works in my body, etc.. I read so much, I felt like I should have an MD after my name. I increased my exercise to every single day, even when I didn’t feel like it. My eating habits changed significantly for the better and I have not had a drop of alcohol since my diagnosis. I was really focused on me! I was on Immunotherapy for 4 years. My brain tumors shrunk and finally disappeared!
Cancer has made me focus so much more on daily living, being the best I can be both mentally and physically. I appreciate everyone who has been touched by cancer no matter what stage. Doctors, scientist, volunteers, cancer advocates and anyone else who participates in fundraising events, raising awareness, or just brings a positive story to the table are special people. I am grateful every day that researchers have developed medications that work!
I will forever share my story of being a cancer survivor as long as it inspires others.”
-Shelly Polak